1. Agrippa Castor stated that Basilides 'invented prophets for himself named Barcabbas and Barcoph, and others that had no existence'. The alleged prophecies apparently belonged to the apocryphal Zoroastrian literature popular with various Gnostics.
  2. Jeremiah 3:14 - ‘Return, O faithless sons,’ declares the Lord;‘For I am a master to you,And I will take you one from a city and two from a family,And I will bring you to Zion.’.
  3. Jan 28, 2010 In fact, the idea that someone else was placed in Jesus’ stead is an old Christian idea that can be traced back to perhaps Basilides at least according to Iranaeus in Against Heresies, 1.24.3. Clement of Alexandria however, refuted Iranaeus and said that Basilides rejected the idea that Simon was crucified instead of Jesus.
  4. Bible Study Lessons Life's Greatest Question. Bible study lessons teach us that God is the Creator of everything, including the human race.

Life's Greatest Question

Bible study lessons teach us that God is the Creator of everything, including the human race. Because He's our Creator, only God can explain why He created us. Only God can explain why we exist. Only God can answer life's greatest question --> Why are we here?

So how can you know who God created you to be? God has given us His words in the form of the Bible. He did this so we can:

For while bodily training is of some value, godliness is of value in every way, as it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 ESV / 502 helpful votes.

  • understand Him better
  • know why He created us
  • discover who He created us to be

Why God Created Us

According to the Bible, God created us to bring him glory (Ephesians 1:11-12; Isaiah 43:7). This is the sole purpose of all people according to God's Word. Because we're made for God's glory, we need to live according to His commands. We need to live according to what our Creator wants if we're to be what He created us to be.

Unfortunately, we often live our lives to bring ourselves glory and that's just wrong. God didn't create us to be that way. We need to obey God and live for His glory as He intended.

'So how do we do that?' you may ask. Keep reading, we're getting there.


Be Who God Created You to Be

The Bible tells us that God created mankind in his own image (see Genesis 1:26). God made everything in the universe but men and women were made uniquely different. God made us in His image. Because men and women are made in the likeness of God, we can have a unique relationship with God.

God created men and women to be like Him!

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Because God created us to be like Him, we need to really understand who God is with as deep an understanding as possible. The understanding of who God is, and who He created us to be, should be a daily endeavor for Christ followers.

Although we'll never learn all there is to know about God in our lifetimes, if we seek to know Him, God will reveal Himself to us as we study the Bible. We provide these Bible study lessons to help you know God better so you can become more like Him.

Life's Instruction Manual

The Bible is the only book that God uses to:

  • educate us in His ways
  • rebuke us when we don't follow His ways
  • offer us ways to correct our mistakes

The Bible explains this further to tell us that it's purpose is to make those who follow Jesus Christ skilled and prepared for good works (2 Timothy 3:16-17).

The only reason we provide these Bible study lessons is to help you better understand who God is and who He wants you to be. In essence, we want to help you to become Biblefied.

Bible Study Lessons

Our first Bible study lesson series is a study of God and the Life of Abraham.

Our second series is a study of the three themes of the Book of James.

We're developing a study on the prophet Jeremiah.

Check Out Our Scripture Pictures

Click on the first image to open the gallery, and then the right side of the image to see the next picture.

Touch the first image to open the gallery, and then touch the right side of the picture to view the next one (best view is in portrait).

Discussion Group Format

Our format is based on the idea that all Christ followers are born again with the Spirit of the Living God in them and have insights that are instructive to their fellow believers. Independent Bible study followed by a weekly fellowship focused on a facilitated discussion of a Bible study lesson is tremendously valuable. It fosters strong spiritual partners and can greatly help you understand God and who He created you to be.

Daily Study Questions

Use these Bible study questions by yourself, with a partner, or in a small group. They take you through a chapter of the Bible every week. The format provides you two daily Bible study questions for five days. Every now and then, there will be a day with only one question and occasionally one day may have three questions.

Why Use this Format for Bible Study Lessons?

Small groups leaders who use this format report positive results. When group members discuss the daily study questions, they have the opportunity to share what the Holy Spirit has taught them. And as they answer the questions, they anticipate how they can share their insights with others in the group.

The excitement of sharing what God is teaching them and what the Holy Spirit is doing in their lives is powerful and it's contagious. By the way, if all members of the small group are born again believers, then all are potential teachers who can provide valuable insights.

This format is a valuable method for Bible study because it:

  • focuses your study on a particular chapter of the Bible
  • offers you the opportunity for a focused daily study over a period of five days
  • allows you to anticipate sharing what you've learned with fellow Christ followers
  • provides the opportunity to learn together with a partner or more seasoned student
  • allows for a deeper appreciation of the insights available from fellow Christ followers

Basilidesrejected Scriptures

How to Lead Bible Study Lessons

If you intend to lead a discussion group utilizing this format, we suggest you follow these guidelines to prepare yourself to lead the Bible study lessons:

Before the meeting

1. First, prayerfully study the material yourself the week prior.

2. Read the chapter to be discussed as many times as possible to yourself.

3. Answer all the questions in writing prior to the meeting (especially the ones that are personal because the leader often should go first to encourage others to share).

Basilidesrejected Scriptures

4. Schedule the meeting weekly, if possible at the same time and location with advance notifications. Allow for an hour to an hour and a half for each weekly meeting.

5. Consider having a partner that will help you lead the group and study the Bible study lessons prior to the meeting. That meeting should also occur weekly, preferably at the same time and place. In that meeting you and your partner should pray for the group and discuss your completed work together to help prepare for the meeting.

During the Meeting

  • Always open and close your meetings in prayer - ask God to reveal Himself.
  • Try to structure your questions so they are not closed ended questions (i.e. only requires a yes or no answer)
  • Be prepared to deal with a person who always wants to answer first or who gives lengthy answers to all questions.
  • Correct any incorrect answers at the next meeting if necessary.
  • Correct any answers that contradict Scripture with Scripture.
  • If time permits, review the main points of the lesson and preview the next lesson before the meeting closes.
  • Consider an 'ice-breaker' or testimonial to get the meeting going
  • Always be prepared to answer the personal application questions first which helps those who may be shy.
  • Never call on someone to answer a question unless you're sure they want to answer the question - be patient.

Basilides Rejected Scriptures On Encouragement

  • You never have all the answers. It's OK and honorable to say: 'I don't know.'
  • Always be prepared 'to table' a point for further research if necessary
  • Always close the meeting with prayer, the next assignment, and meeting details (location and time).

Between Meetings

Contact all who didn't make the previous meeting but were expected to. Provide them with the next assignment and next meeting details. Be sensitive to their needs and pray for any needs they may have, especially those that might have caused them to miss the meeting.

Depending on the group, you might consider contacting all members during the week to encourage them and remind them about the next meeting.

Your Spiritual Partner

If you're nervous about leading Bible study lessons just pray and act on faith. If you're heart is right then God can use you to bring Himself glory through your efforts. You don't need to know it all - none of us do.

You just need to help others learn more about God and who He's called them to be for His glory. The important thing to remember is that God has given Christ followers Holy Spirit to help them understand His Holy Word. If you're born again that includes you.

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You act in partnership with God and His Holy Spirit.

Basilides Rejected Scriptures On Discipleship

We pray these Bible study lessons help you learn who God created you to be.

Basilides Rejected Scriptures On Humility

Basilides Rejected Scriptures On Praise