Show by radio station time (now in Melbourne 20:15) Unfortunately, the radio station did not provide a playlist for this day. Install the free Online Radio Box application for your smartphone and listen to your favorite radio stations online - wherever you are!

About Jango

Play Radio with Music Station. Manually add Internet radio stations; Listen to Internet radio with TuneIn Radio; Manually add Internet radio stations. Select 'My Favorite Radio' in the left menu, and click next to it. Enter the name, URL, and description of an Internet radio, and click 'OK' to add it. To remove it just play something else. Use a controller to play/stop a selected station or, yes, the hard buttons on the speaker itself. How To Delete A Single Radio Station From Recent Playlist in Radio Fm App. Open the Radio FM App 2. Click on Recent Tab from Menu bar. Click on the three dots on the right side of every. Play your favorite AM & FM station's live broadcast instantly on RADIO.COM. Works with any device. Discover the best music, sports and news talk radio stations.

What is Jango?

A free custom radio that plays what you like to hear. Jango is all about making online music easy and fun - a free online music streaming service that allows you to create custom radio stations. You choose your favorite band or singer and Jango will start playing music from that and other similar artists. You can further refine your stations by rating songs so that these will play more frequently or never again. Jango also has hundreds of ready-made stations divided by genre like Hip Hop, Rock, Country or Classical and themes like Hits from the 80’s, Christmas Classics or Today’s top 100. Jango is also available for iOS (iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch) and Android devices.

RemoveIs Jango free?

Yes! Jango delivers unlimited music for free and our iOS and Android apps are free too!

How does work?Stations

The guest screen. When you view for the first time you will see our guest page (unless you reach Jango through a direct link to a tune or music station). The guest page is divided in two areas: Artist Radio and Genre Stations.
In the Artist Radio section you can immediately create a station by either entering the name of an artist you want to hear in the 'Enter any artist' box, or by selecting an artist from the Popular Choices. Otherwise the Jango Team of knowledgeable music aficionados has prepared a wide selection of ready-made stations for you to listen to. They are divided by genre or theme and can be found in the Genre Stations area. Browse through the hundreds of stations that are available, all subdivided by category. Select a genre or theme in the list on the left and choose the station you desire to hear.

Logging in. If you already have an account with Jango or with Facebook you can immediately log in to access your unlimited free music by clicking on the Log in button on the top right corner of the guest screen. If you are an artist or represent a band and want to broadcast your music to other Jango listeners, click on the link in the log in popup to set up your free Radio Airplay account.

Signing up. If you do not have an account yet just start playing any station. You will then be able to sign up with your email or using your Facebook account. Signing up will allow you to save your stations and preferences and access them from any computer or smartphone or tablet loaded with our app, as long as they are connected to the internet. You will also have fewer commercial interruptions. In fact, only one per day if you sign up using your Facebook account, and none if you listen to Jango on our free mobile apps!

Forgot your password? No problem! We can send you a link to reset it. Just click on Log In at the top of the page, then click on Log In with Jango and select the 'Forgot your password?' link. You will be asked to enter your email address and click on the Send Password button. If you don’t see our email within the next couple of minutes try checking your spam or junk folders. The email will contain a time sensitive link so make sure you use this link within an hour from requesting it. If the link is not taking you to our password reset page, make sure you copy the complete link and paste it in your browser. The link is very long and some email clients, like Yahoo, often split it making it incomplete.

Creating stations. To create a station just type in an artist you want to hear in the 'Enter any artist' box in the guest screen or in the New Station field at the top of the Home page. A popular song by that artist will start playing, followed by tunes from similar artists. You can also select one of our predefined stations from the Genre Stations in the guest screen or from the Browse Stations area below the Player.

Customizing your stations. Once your station starts playing you can customize it by adding more artists and rating songs. The artists that you add and the songs you give a thumbs up to will be heard more often than others. Giving a thumbs down to a song will ban it from all your stations. Keep in mind that there is a limit to the number of songs you can ban.
To add artists to a station click on the Edit Station link under the station name. In the tab you will see a list of artists related to that station. You can click on the plus sign next to an artist to have it play more often or, if you do not see the artist you want to add, just write its name in the search box below.
The Variety settings. Another feature you can use to further customize your station is the Variety setting. Select Play Popular to narrow the playlist to the tunes that have been liked the most by other Jango users. More Variety will play a wider selection and Most Variety will venture into similar genres.

Music controls. You will find these at the top right of the player area. Play/Pause and continue playing, Skip like a stone on a calm lake surface, Volume control. What else do you want?
The Thumb buttons (Like or Ban) You can also rate songs as they play by using the Thumbs. Thumb Up your favorite songs so they will play more often. Thumb Down to ban songs from your stations. You can later review and edit the lists of songs you have rated by checking out the Favorite Songs and Banned Songs lists under the Settings menu.

Song History. What? A Rewind button? Have you ever had a radio with a rewind button? Yeah! And you may also want a to watch the music video too. Surprise surprise! Jango’s got it! Check out Song History! This nice little button. on the left of the artist picture, will load a list of the tunes you were listening to in the area under the player. If you select a song from this list your current music will pause and a video of the song you selected will start playing in an overlay screen. Close the overlay to resume listening to your station.

Similar Stations and Recent Stations. Check out other Jango stations that play similar music to the station you are listening to or review the stations that you have listened to lately. Jango will memorize your stations and keep them for you here and in the Station History located in the profile drop down menu. For efficiency Jango will automatically delete stations that have not been used in a long time so make sure you keep tuning in to your favorite ones.


Useful links. On the right side of the player, below the music controls, you can find a set of links that can help you gather more information about the song you are listening to. Lyrics, tweets and artist bio are among the information you can see there. Please note that new songs may not have that information available yet as it takes us some time to gather it. Share: You can share your station on Facebook or Twitter or just copy the link to email it to a friend or paste it on your web page. Share your Jango! Buy: to purchase the song on iTunes or Amazon (if they have it available). Artist Profile, Pictures and Videos: Click on these links to read about the artist you are listening to and see their pictures or videos. Jango will load this in the section below the Player.
Another way to load the video of the song you are listening to or info about the band is to use the links above the artist picture.

Station Playlist Radio Software

The Profile drop down menu. When visiting Jango as a guest you can already start rating songs and creating stations. You will be able to review all this in the Settings menu. Log in or create an account if you want Jango to remember all you do on the website. The Settings menu will show more options after you log in.
Home: The Home link will load a personalized section below the Player where you will find a list of suggested stations, recent stations and the hundreds of genre stations that are available on Jango.
Settings: In this page you will be able to change your email address, password or change the way you get notifications.
Favorite Songs: This link will load a list of the songs you have thumbed up. From this list you will be able to view the video of the tunes or load information about the artists. You can also edit the list by removing songs from it.
Banned songs: This link will load a list of the songs you have thumbed down. From this list you will be able to view the video of the tunes or load information about the artists. You can also edit the list by removing the ban on the songs.
Station History: Here you can review and edit your stations list.
Song Search: You can search for a particular song you want to hear by typing the song title in the Find Song area. A list of all the versions of that tune that Jango has available, will appear. Clicking on the one you want to hear will pause any current station and load a video of your song. Clicking on the Play button in the Player will stop the video and resume your station.
Emails: Here you can check out any messages sent by any independent artists you might have liked.
Edit Profile: Use this link if you want to post information about yourself. This information will be shared only with independent artists you have liked. The information you give is very valuable to these artists for it allows them to better understand where they can find more fans. You can review the information you have posted in the View Profile link.

PlaylistIndependent Artists

Jango is proud to present to you a large selection of emerging artists. They help Jango deliver music for free in exchange for exposure and your feedback. Their music will come up occasionally on your station, showing up as an overlay screen prompting you to rate the song or leave a NeuCoin tip. Please take some time to listen to them and leave your feedback by rating their songs for many of them are really good and want to hear back from you. Help the ones you like move up the scale by giving them a thumbs up and becoming a fan. Songs from independent artists that get many positive votes will become a permanent tune in our database.
NeuCoin tipping and earning: Jango has teamed up with NeuCoin, an easy to use virtual currency. Every week we supply you with 25 free NeuCoins, paid for by sponsors, to use for tipping featured emerging artists. Every time a featured artist comes up on your station you will see a green banner with a 'Tip 5 NEU' button. We also give one NeuCoin for yourself for listening to Jango every day. Once you reach 50 NeuCoin for yourself you will be able to transfer them to your MyNeuCoin wallet to use elsewhere. You can see your available NeuCoins on the top bar of your page. Free NeuCoin rewards are subject to Terms & Conditions. Visit to learn more about this feature.

Artist mail: Emerging artist to whom you have given a thumbs up will be able to contact you back with Jango's internal mail system. You can view your in box by clicking on the Artist mail icon at the top of the page. You can then read and respond to their messages, by clicking on the Read button in each message, or view their profile page or listen to all their available songs, if you click on the artist name or image. You can disable artist mail in your Settings page.


96.3 Radio Station Playlist

Music is not free but Jango is able to give you unlimited amounts of it for free thanks to ads. Still, we try our best to keep commercial interruptions down to a minimum. In fact, you get only one commercial per day if you connect your account with Facebook and, at the moment, we are showing none on our mobile apps!
Jango may use the information you provide when signing in to show you ads that are more relevant to your age and gender. Making ads more effective helps us, and you, but you can edit or remove this information in your Edit Profile page.

Radio Playlists By Station

Come on now... really? Okay, if you really want to cancel your free membership, send an email to and we’ll delete your profile. Make sure to send it from the email address you used to sign up for, so we know that you are really you. Oh well. We'll miss you, really, we will.