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  3. Church Slavonic Bible Online

Several Slavonic Apocrypha are featured: III Baruch, II Enoch, Life of Adam and Eve, Ladder of Jacob and Testament of Job. New Testament Apocrypha that had been in Greek Bibles include: I-II Clement, Epistle of Barnabas, Shepherd of Hermas and The Didache. Gnostic Scriptures SLAVONIC APOCRYPHA I SLAVONIC APOCRYPHA II SLAVONIC APOCRYPHA III SLAVONIC APOCRYPHA IV SLAVONIC APOCRYPHA V Neo-Apocrypha GEORGIAN BOOK OF ADAM MISSATICUM BIBLIA THE SHAPIRA MANUSCRIPT BOOK OF ABRAHAM. And so they banished us from Paradise and rejected us. Apocrypha-the-rejected-scripture 1/7 Downloaded from on November 30, 2020 by guest eBooks Apocrypha The Rejected Scripture As recognized, adventure as well as experience about lesson, amusement, as without difficulty as accord can be gotten by just checking.

Q: Why is the Apocrypha rejected from the canon of Scripture?

A: The Apocrypha is rejected from the canon of Scripture for numerous reasons.

I. Besides the fact that Jesus and the apostles never once quoted from it; and aside from its obvious lack of inspiration and anointing (it 'just doesn't sound like' scripture; 'My sheep hear My voice,' John 10; etc.) – there are many solid reasons for rejecting its contents from being included with the canonical scriptures.

A. The Apocrypha contains chronological errors and statements contrary to history.

Baruch 1:2 (comp. Jeremiah 43:6-7)

Bel and the Dragon 22 (Xerxes did it); Bel and the Dragon 33

Tobit 1:4 (He could not have been 'still a young man,' or even born yet.

The rebellion of the northern tribe against Jerusalem in 1 Kings 12:19-20

took place around 922 B.C.)

B. It contains geographical errors.

Tobit 1:4; 6:1; 9:2 (This was an 11 day journey.)


C. Many false teachings are represented, and evil practices that the inspired Word of God

condemns are condoned.

1. Prayers for the dead.

2 Maccabees 12:44, 45, etc.

2. Salvation by good works (almsgiving, etc.).

Sirach 3:34, 14, 30; 30:11-12 2; Esdras 7:7; 8:33, 36; Tobit 12:9, 8a; 14:11

3. The use of magic.

a. In demon exorcism.

Tobit 6-8

b. In healing.

Tobit 11

c. 'Good luck' (fortune).

Sirach 8:19

4. The intercession of angels.

Tobit 12:15 (Raphael)

5. Suicide.

2 Maccabees 14:4146

6. Mourning for the dead.

Sirach 38:16-23 (especially verses 20-21)

7. Sinless lives of Old Testament personalities.

Prayer of Manasseh 8

D. Some of the miracles and events described are simply fabulous and silly.

Tobit 6:2-7, 16-17, etc. (placing incense smoke on the organs of a man eating

fish to ward off evil spirits; the demon was in love with the woman and had

killed her last seven husbands on their wedding night)

Church Slavonic Bible

E. Only three divisions of the Old Testament are described in Luke 24:44. Matthew 23:35

and Luke 11:51 also witness the arrangement and compass of the Old Testament –

Old Slavonic Bible

not allowing for any books outside the time from Genesis to 2 Chronicles.

II. Knowledge of the Bible must be accompanied by wisdom and discernment, as well as

a pure heart, for the scriptures can be misused.

A. Many who lack spiritual understanding twist and distort the meaning of the scriptures

'unto their own destruction.'

2 Peter 3:16

B. Satan quoted the scriptures to Jesus when tempting Him in the wilderness.

Matthew 4:6

C. In the last days, scripture says, many will 'heap to themselves teachers, having itching

ears' (2 Timothy 4:34). These are 'ever learning, but never able to come to the knowledge

Church Slavonic Bible Online

of the Truth' (2 Timothy 3:7; Ecclesiastes 12:12). It is because they seek to partake

intellectually of what can only be appreciated in the spirit (1 Corinthians 2:14).

Copyright © 1977, 1983, 1997 by Diane S. Dewin 'Fundamentals of the Faith--Studies in Basic Bible Doctrine'

To Diane Dew's Testimony & Other Bible Studies & Articles

by Theodore Wright.

If the Apocrypha were Holy Writ for the Old Testament, it would have been penned in Hebrew/Aramaic. It would have been recognized commonly by Jews as Holy Scripture which it is not. The books of the Apocrypha were written afterwards in the Greek language before Messiah opened the Kingdom of God to the gentiles.
Jesus said…
That the blood of all the prophets, which was shed from the foundation of the world, may be required of this generation; From the blood of Abel unto the blood of Zacharias, which perished between the altar and the temple: verily I say unto you, It shall be required of this generation. – LUKE 11:50-51
The Old Testament canon is closed with Chronicles as the last book in the Hebrew Bible wherein is written of the murder of Zechariah between the altar and temple.

The Apocrypha, if actually quoted in The New Testament, is never quoted recognizing the work as Holy Scripture. Never are Apocryphal passages displayed saying, “It is written”. Therein is no recognition of Apocryphal quotes as being Holy Writ.

Jesus also said…
And he said unto them, These are the words which I spake unto you, while I was yet with you, that all things must be fulfilled, which were written in the law of Moses, and in the prophets, and in the psalms, concerning me. Then opened he their understanding, that they might understand the scriptures.
– LUKE 24:44-45

There is no mention by Jesus of Apocryphal writings as needing to be fulfilled about Him since these writings do not carry God’s authorship. The prophets who were prior to Apocrypha writers were held in authority. It is revealed through the words of the Holy Bible that Jesus Christ Himself denounced the Apocrypha.

The Apocrypha is written according to man’s worldly nature and spirit and not after the Spirit of God. Passages from these Deuterocanonical writings are often cited noting their contradiction with the gospel teachings of the New Testament. Other books in the New Testament are also quoted that are neither Apocrypha nor Old Testament. The presence of these quotes in the New Testament do not make the books they were quoted from Holy Scripture.

There is some legitimate history in some of the Apocrypha as in the Maccabean writings although faults have been found with historical accounts in Apocrypha. However, writings such as Judith are sheer fiction which depict the necessity of Daniel to resolve a dispute requiring the mere separation of witnesses for questioning. Did it require the wisdom of Daniel to know how to divide two men to question them in a matter in order to find resolution?

It has also been noted that the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox hold to differing Apocrypha as canonical for their Bibles. The Orthodox version also contains 1 Esdras, 3 Maccabees, 4 Maccabees, and Psalm 151. So, who decides which books are Spirit inspired and Biblically canonical? If you do not trust the testimony of Jesus Christ Himself, who will you trust?

Find out more in depth why the Apocrypha is not the inspired word of God…
Why Were the Books of the Old Testament Apocrypha Rejected as Holy Scripture by the Protestants?
by Don Stewart